The Answers toAll Your Questions

Thank you for coming to our frequently asked questions platform. We hope to answer your questions precisely and thoroughly. In addition, if your question still needs to be addressed, we look forward to you contacting us so that we can further assist you.

Are meals offered at CCCA?

Yes. We offer breakfast, lunch and snack. If your child has peanut allergies, forms are included in the Registration package.

What is covered in the infant tuition?

Diapers, wipes, Vaseline, diaper rash cream. Parents must provide their children's necessities if their child is allergic to a specific brand of diapers, wipes, or creams.

When do I have to Pay?

Tuition is collected every Friday. Or Monday at 6:30 am before your child enters their classroom. No exception.

What if my child is on vacation?

If your child is full or part-time and is on vacation, tuition must be paid to hold your child's spot.

Are there any other fees I should know about?

Yes. There is an annual enrollment fee of $125 per child. There is a $35 late fee for all late payments and a $20 late pick-up fee.

Does the Autism Program provide ABA services?

Our Autism program accepts ages 3-5 (daytime 8 am- 3:00 pm) and School Ages 5-8 (3:30 pm-6:30p.m). No, we do not provide ABA services at this location. For enrollment, you will need the confirmation diagnosis letter. You must contact your pediatrician, who will refer you to a neurologist or a psychologist who confirms a qualifying diagnosis. 

However, we have another location, a therapeutic preschool providing ABA services. For more information, click  “CPAC.

Does CCCA take ELC vouchers?


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